September 19 2024INT: BOTTOM LEFT CORNER
Everyone is three to ten years old but I’m the best at it. I think coyotes means grandma, I think coyotes are packs of grandmas that have grandkids that live out of state, so the coyotes that’s why,
that’s why
*turns to the infinite morphs of my little brother*
that’s why theyre in the backyard at night.
thas why i cant even fine bunny. Bunny gawn.
My little brother doesnt have teeth yet but he’s not lisping he’s southern because of all those cowboy movies we watch.
Smooth Cowboys ride through a great desert plane. The TV coloring is so bright you wonder
what on earth that sky was supposed to be cus
It cant be that white. White as heaven *little brother nods*
Bunny that white maybe.
Yeah. Where is bunny?
The coyotes only live at night. Born and die maybe each day like bugs. The biggest bugs in the world are in my backyard in everyones backyards. We have cardboard binoculars that would melt in the rain. Our yard is green and slopes into the brush that has
the hill that the people,
These older skinnies,
With beanies and weed and skateboards,
Even now i know they are as cool as cool can be as can get
Climb the hill to the top and do magic up there
Coyote bring bunny to the top of the hill
It fades into the clouds beyond the sun and rain
Cant go there without dad or mom
We can go anywhere we want yknow.
Yep. Yup we can
Break through uniform grass to polar grass to mix n match of dirt and grass and now we climb
We climb until we hear rattlesnake noises and the dirt mud breaks off to pebble sand
I want my TV
Me too
*clop clop clop*
The cowboys on the horse are wearing beanies and smoking twigs out their mouths
You boys’ lookin’ for’ bunny’?
Yes sir times two
Find HIm
Well find him
Lets bleed into the sunset.
Nicholas Wilder Forman is a writer and artist from Los Angeles.